Thursday 20 September 2018

How is it the end of the term again?!?

Another Term Down...

It is hard to believe that we are already at the end of Term 3! Only one more term until the children make the transition into Year 1!

We have had another busy term, filled with assemblies, sports carnivals, Wattle Day and other events. On top of this, we have still maintained our focus on Literacy and Numeracy, as well as our Integrated subjects. So with that in mind, I think the children definitely deserve a nice relaxing holiday
I would like to say a big thank you to all the parents who have given their time to be parent helpers this term. Your support really helps us to stay on top of things in the classroom, and the children love having you in the room.

Term 4 will be another busy term, with dancing and swimming, so please relax and enjoy your holidays. Remember to stay safe! See you all next term.

From Miss Baines

Book Week 

During Week 6, we celebrated Book Week. The theme for Book Week this year was 'Find Your Treasure.' During Book Week, we read lots of new books in class. 
On Thursday, we did a book swap. This was a wonderful initiative. All the children had at least 1 new book to take home and read. 

On Friday of Week 6, the children all came to school dressed as their favourite book character. It was wonderful to see that all the children made an effort to dress up, and to have the book that their character was from. After the parade, we did some Book Week activities with our buddies from Room 26.

Room 3 and Room 5's Assembly

On Thursday of Week 7, Room 3 and Room 5 presented their assembly. The theme of our assembly was resilience. The children did amazingly to remember their speaking parts and the words to the songs. The children spoke confidently and performed well.
Thank you to the parents for having your children at school early and for helping to get the children into their costumes.

Well done to the students who received Merit Awards, Lucas, Jovan and Ayman. Congratulations also to Naomi for receiving the Science Award and Kohan for receiving the Values Award.

Faction Carnival

The Faction Carnival took place on Friday of Week 7. All the Pre-primary students participated in the march onto the oval and the running races. Congratulations to all the students who won a ribbon on the day. A big congratulations to Purple Faction for winning the whole carnival.

Due to the bad weather in Term 3, the K/PP Tabloid Day has been postponed until Wednesday, Week 1, Term 4. We hope that all the parents can come and watch the Tabloids and cheer the students on.

Wattle Day

Wattle Day is celebrated on the 1st of September. Wattle Day is significant to our school, as the wattle is our school emblem and our school is called Wattle Grove. We celebrated Wattle Day on Monday of Week 8. In class, we drew and then painted pictures of wattle flowers.

Dress like a farmer

Our school motto is 'give to receive', which means that as a school we are always trying to find ways to help others. On Thursday of Week 8, students were encouraged to come to school dressed like a farmer or farm animal. Students had to bring a gold coin donation. This was to raise money for the farmers in the Eastern States, who are suffering from drought. I am so proud of Room 5, as we managed to raise $104. The whole school raised over $1200. What a great cause to be supporting!

Life Education Van

On Thursday of Week 8, the students went to the Life Education Van. They loved meeting Harold the giraffe. Our session was all about friendship. As we have been doing Protective Behaviours is class for Health, the students were well prepared for the Life Education Van, and knew the answers to a lot of the questions. We learnt some new things too. All the students had a fantastic time.

Learning Journeys

On Tuesday afternoon of Week 10, parents were invited to join their child on a learning journey. It was so lovely to see that every child had someone join them on their journey. We had mums, dads and even some aunties. I was so proud of the students as I watched them lead you all on a journey. The feedback from parents was very positive and you should all be very proud of how much your children have learnt this year - I know I am!

Term 4

School commences for Term 4 on Monday 8th October. We look forward to seeing everyone return happy and well rested from their holidays.

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