Friday 22 March 2019

Week 8

Week 8 Focus


We are revising the single sounds V, P, and J and have started to read the red words an, has and as. We are writing simple sentences using the sight words look, dad, in and like. The students should be able to read all the golden sight words and begin to include them in their writing.

We are building our vocabulary in using the words for the parts of our body. Our Big Talk discussion is about playing games.

Please ensure guided reading books are being returned on a Mondays as other groups will need the books. Students who do not return their books will not receive another one until it is returned .

A reminder that Library Day is Monday, your child should place their library books in their library bag in the green box on Mondays.


We are revising the number 1-10 and counting a collection of objects to 10. 

We are measuring the weight of objects by hefting. Hefting means to hold one object in one hand and another object in the other hand and feel which one is heavier or lighter. The students need to be using the language of The ….  is heavier/lighter than the…

We are also using the language of Fewer/Greater when comparing a collection of objects.

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

We are working in groups to create a diorama of one of the seasons. We are discussing the type of activities we do, places we go and the clothes we wear in each season. The students will be using the Ipads to record and describe their dioramas.


We have been discussing Passenger Safety. We have included some of the parent information cards for you to read. Our excursion in Week 9 will be to the Constable Care Safety School and will enable all students to demonstrate their knowledge and participate in more activities around Road and Pedestrian Safety. Please ensure you have returned the permission slip and the money as soon as possible.

Week 7, Term 1


This week we are celebrating World Poetry Day on Thursday 21st of March and Harmony Day on Friday 22nd Of March.


We are revising the single sounds N, K, and E.

We have started to learn the Red sight words. This week, the sight words are no, what, long.

For Speaking and Listening, we have started sending home the mystery box. If your child brings home the mystery box, please help them to select an item (not a toy) and send it back with them the following day. One of the mystery boxes has not been returned. If your child has it, please return it.

Please remember to return library books and Keylinks reading books on Mondays.


We are revising the numbers 0 to 10.

We are measuring taller and shorter. 

We are continuing to sort data and interpret graphs.

Week 6, Term 1

Week 6

Just a few reminders for this week.

There is a junior assembly Thursday morning starting at 8.50am. Please be prompt in arriving to school.

School Photos will be on Friday this week. Please ensure all students are in full school uniform. This is a collared Wattle Grove yellow t-shirt, green shorts/skorts/skirts and sock/shoes which are black or white.

The Pre-primaries will be going to the Constable Care Safety School in the first week of April. Please ensure you have returned the permission slip with current contact phone numbers and $7 as soon as possible.


We are revising the single sounds H, C, and B and the sight words this, go, we, will.

We are also writing about the Clever Max story for the On-Entry testing.

Keylinks guided reading books will be sent home with every child on a Thursday. Please make sure these books are returned each Monday, even if it is not your child's designated reading day. Thank you.


We are revising the numbers 8 and 9.

We are measuring longer and shorter. At home you can encourage your child to directly compare two objects to find out which one is shorter and which one is longer. Remind the students to line up the ends of the objects, to get an accurate measure.

We are continuing to sort data and interpret graphs.


We are continuing to observe and record the weather each day.

We are also learning about the seasons, Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. We are exploring what the weather looks like in each season, what activities we can do and what clothes we need to wear.

Saturday 2 March 2019

Term 1 - Week 4/5

Areas of Focus


We are revising the single sounds D, R, O (Week 4) G, L and U (week 5). We are also revising the sight words look, like, the, in, dad (Week 4) and to, mum, here (Week 5).

We have sent home a Facts About Me sheet for you to assist your child to draw and discuss. These need to be returned to school as soon as possible for the students to present a short 3 minute presentation about themselves. Any questions, please see me.

Sight Word/Reading Folders are now coming home. Your child has been allocated a day to return their folder each week. The roster is on the window near the table outside the classroom. Please practise the words daily in short sessions and have your child read their book out loud. You could write the words onto card and place them around the house or play games like memory and fish.

Guided reading books will be coming home for all students on a Thursday. Please return these reading books on a Monday.


We are revising the numbers 5 (Week 4) 6 and 7 (Week 5) and counting a collection of objects to 5. We are measuring big and small, long and short. We are also learning to sort data and create graphs.


We are observing the weather and discussing the symbols used in weather charts. We are going to record the weather each day.

Other Messages

On Entry Assessments have begun. A note went home last week regarding the assessment. Results will be given to parents at the parent meetings in Week 10.

School photos will be taking place this term. A note was sent home with students for parents who would like to order photos. Please return the photo forms as soon as possible.

Medical conditions - if your child has a medical condition, please make a time to go to the office and complete the necessary paperwork so that all staff are informed of what to do.

Absences - just a reminder that if your child is absent from school for any reason, please provide a letter explaining the absence on your child`s return.