Tuesday 2 April 2019

Week 9


This Thursday is our excursion to the Constable Care Safety School. All students need to be dressed in school uniform with their hat. They need to wear closed in shoes, no sandals please. Please pack your child's recess snacks in a zip-lock bag clearly labelled with your child's name. Please ensure their water bottles are also clearly labelled. We are eating recess at the Safety School but we will be back at Wattle Grove PS for lunch. If there is rain predicted for Thursday, the excursion will go ahead. If it looks like rain, please pack a raincoat for your child.

Please arrive at school at 8.30 as the bus leaves at 9 a.m.

In Literacy

We are revising the single sounds Z, W, and Q and the red words: if, so and that.

In Numeracy

We are talking about numbers that come after or before a given number. We are measuring the weight of objects by using balance scales. 

In STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

We are continuing our work on the dioramas to represent the seasons.


Just a reminder that next Tuesday is the parent interviews. The students will need to be collected at 12.00 p.m. You should have now received a note regarding the time of your interview. Each interview will be 10 minutes. Please be on time, as often interviews are scheduled back-to-back. We look forward to discussing your child's progress.