Saturday 18 May 2019

What's happening in Room 5



This term, we are focusing on developing our phonics knowledge.

We have learnt double consonants and the consonant digraph ‘ck’, as in duck.

This week we are beginning to learning about letter blends.  Each letter is pronounced individually, but quickly, so the letters blend together.  We say...

2 consonants the blend together, you hear both sounds

You can see how important it is for our students to have a solid grasp of their single sounds as we transition into the next phase of our phonics teaching.    

Sight Words: 

We are now teaching the ‘blue’ set of words.  So far we have taught:

on, her, was, have, you, by


The students are enjoying learning mathematical concepts and skills through many hands-on experiences using objects and counters as well as the engaging PRIME Big Books.  These big books provide our students with visual representations and explore problem solving strategies too. 

Recently we have been measuring the capacity of containers and learning how to partition the numbers 4 and 5. 

Number bonds are the ways in which a whole number can be split into parts.  We are exploring and recording the different combinations.  For example:

Dress Fancy Day

Many thanks to everyone for dressing Fancy on Friday 10th May.  It was a fundraiser for our graduating classes this year.

If you have an iphone or android phone, you may be interested in downloading our school app.  Search ‘Wattle Grove Primary School’ on the Apple App Store or Google Play and download for free!  Features of the app include:
· Link to the school blog
· Term planners
· School newsletter
· Canteen orders
· Absentee form
· Contact the school

Being Resilient 

Recently we’ve started discussing ways and strategies to develop resilience when things get us down or don’t go our way. 
Being resilient means that you are able to bounce back from adversity in order to lead a happy lifestyle.  Resiliency strategies are not only important for children but for adults as well, as there are many situations on a day to day basis that can present a challenge or effect your mood. 
Strategies that we’ve talked about include:
· Talking to someone about your feelings or problem
· Walk away and come back to it later
· Laugh and shake it off
· Take deep breaths
· Think about what you could do differently next time
· Think positively
Having a variety of resiliency strategies allows children to develop some good social skills and the ability to deal with challenging situations. 

Monday 6 May 2019

Welcome Back to Term 2

Welcome back for another fantastic term. We hope you had a lovely Easter break.


Week 1 
The phonics focus for this week in literacy has been double consonants, ll, ff, ss, zz. Children learnt that when we read a double consonant i.e. 'ss' we just make the one sound i.e. hiss h-i-ss. Our sight words for Week 1 - they, and, were.

Week 2  
We are focusing on  Consonant-Vowel-Consonant words i.e. cat, leg, big. We are also learning about nouns - nouns are naming words for a person, place or thing.  Week 2 sight words - on, was, her.


This week we have started to learn about volume. We focused on the language of volume including more than, less than, full and empty. We also learnt about the different ways of making 4 ie 2 and 2 more,  3 and 1 more ,  4 and 0 more.

Mothers day stall

Our wonderful P&C are holding their annual mothers day stall until Friday 10th May. Located outside of the BER learning center and in the undercover area in the mornings from 8:15am-8:45am and in the afternoons from 3:05pm-3:35pm. Gifts range from $1 -$7. Raffle tickets are $2 for the hamper.

Class photos

Midland photography has informed us that school photos should be ready for distribution next week.

'Dress Fancy Day'

A note has come home regarding free dress for Friday 10th May. Children who participate need to bring in a gold coin donation to go towards the year 6 fundraiser.


On our first day back this term, we completed a STEM challenge. The students had to work in pairs to build a bridge from Lego. The bridge had to be long enough to cross the river, and wide and strong enough to hold a Lego person. We had so much fun making our bridges. 

Room 3 and Room 5 Assembly

Room 3 and Room 5 will be presenting the Junior Assembly on Friday 17th May. The theme for our assembly is road safety, so students need to bring a helmet as part of their costume, and where bright coloured clothes. Some children will have a speaking part at the Assembly. If your child has a speaking part, they will bring it home in their reading file. Please help them to learn to say their part without reading.