Thursday 13 May 2021

Welcome Back to Term 2


From Miss Baines

Welcome back for another fantastic term. We hope you had a lovely Easter break. It is so lovely to see everyone back in the classroom. 

I will continue to post information on this blog, so check in here for the latest updates.


Week 1 
The phonics focus for this week in literacy has been double consonants, ll, ff, ss, zz. Children learnt that when we read a double consonant i.e. 'ss' we just make the one sound i.e. hiss h-i-ss. Our sight words for Week 1 - they, and, were.

Week 2  
We are focusing on  Consonant-Vowel-Consonant words i.e. cat, leg, big. We are also learning about nouns - nouns are naming words for a person, place or thing.  Week 2 sight words - on, was, her.


This week we have started to learn about  the different ways of making numbers. We are focusing on number 4 and number 5 ie 4 is 2 and 2 more, 4 is 3 and 1 more, 4 is 4 and 0 more.

No Trash Tuesday

Just a reminder that on Tuesdays, we are encouraging the students to come to school with a waste free lunch box. This means no rubbish that ends up in landfill. (Fruit scrapes are fine, as we can feed them to the worms in our school worm farm). No Trash Tuesday is a whole school approach as part of our Sustainability program.

School Uniform

With colder mornings now in place, we understand that the students are wearing warmer clothes. Just a reminder that if your child wishes to wear items like coats, jumpers, tights, beanies, scarves or gloves, these need to be green, in line with the school uniform. Shoes still need to be black or white. The uniform shop remains open via the School App. If you go online, you can order uniform items, which will be delivered to your child's classroom and sent home in their school bag. Thank you for your support with ensuring your child wears the correct school uniform.

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