Thursday 6 August 2020

Welcome Back to Term 3

Welcome Back

Hello and welcome back to Term 3. This is another busy term with lots of different events, so please keep an eye on the classroom blog and the school newsletter for information about what is happening around the school. Even with all the events, we are still working hard in the classroom. Below are our areas of focus for each learning area this term.


The students are learning to write a narrative following the proper structure, including a beginning (with characters and a setting), middle (with a problem and solution) and an ending. We are also revising beginning blends and learning the end blends. We are continuing to learn the Pre-primary sight words. By the end of Term 3, students are expected to read the Golden, Red, Blue, Green and Orange words.


The students are learning the number bonds for numbers 1-10. We are also practicing skip counting by 2s, 5s and 10s. We are continuing to do simple addition and subtraction. We are also learning our odd and even numbers. In Measurement, we are focusing on measuring weight.


Our theme this term is Biological Sciences. We are learning about living and non-living things and their needs.


Our focus for HASS is Geography. We are learning about special places in our neighbourhood and are excited to go on our community walk.


Our technology links to our Science this term. We will be designing and making a bird house. The bird house will need to meet the needs of a bird e.g. some way to provide food and water.

Physical Education

We are learning all the skills we will need to play the Tabloid Games on our sports carnival day.


We are learning all about emotions, how to recognise them and how to deal with our feelings.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to make an appointment to come and see me.

Faction Shirts

This term, students are allowed to wear their faction shirts to school on a Friday. If you need to purchase a faction shirt, these are available from the uniform shop/ If you do not know your child's faction, please see me.

Bird Houses

This term in Design and Technologies, the children will be working on a very exciting project. They will be required to design and build a bird home. This will be completed in class.

We are looking for donations of recycled materials that the children can choose from to make their bird house. Such as: off-cuts of timber, plastic containers, boxes etc. We would also appreciate donations of nails and screws.  Please be assured that we will be following safety procedures when working with the wood/materials. 

Thank you for your support, and we look forward to sharing our wonderful creations with you.


During Week 2, we celebrated NAIDOC Week. We started the week with an incursion from SERCUL where we learnt about lots of different bush tucker. We listened to lots of different Dreamtime stories and wrote a recount about Tiddalick. Our Year 2 buddies from Room 20 came to visit us. We learnt about how the echidna got its spikes and then made our own echidnas using salt dough. Below are some photos of our activity.

Sports Carnival

Our Kindy and Pre-primary Sports Carnival will be held in the afternoon on Wednesday 2nd September (weather permitting). Parents are encouraged to come and support their children. The running races will be held in the morning on Friday 4th September. A note will be sent home in coming weeks with more information.

Book Week

Book Week will be celebrated during Week 6. The theme for this year is: Curious Creatures, Wild Minds. Children are asked to dress up as their favourite book character on Thursday 27th August. Children will parade their costumes for the rest of the school.

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