Monday 4 November 2019

Welcome to Term 4

Blog Term 4 weeks 1-4
We have had a wonderful busy start to term 4! Please keep a regular check on the term planner to ensure you don’t miss any upcoming events.

Many thanks to all the parents who gave donations towards our fete. We would also like to make special mention and thanks to our parent helpers on the day, Joanna and Leanne.

Our Lego stall was exceedingly popular, seeing us sell-out within the first 20 minutes. We managed to make an impressive profit of $215. After the fete the students enjoyed some ‘online’ shopping where they got to choose what they would like to spend our profit on. We purchased lots of Lego (6 new different sets), Lego minifigures and special containers to sort the Lego into colours for easy building. 

Swimming lessons
Swimming lesson notes have been sent home and need to be returned, with the $35, as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can pay using the school app. Permission slips will still need to be returned. Room 5 will participate in swimming lessons each day during week 5 and 6. I will post a special notice by the end of the week, letting parents know the procedures for swimming lessons.

Dancing lessons
The students have all enthusiastically been learning a number of dances. We are doing so well at remembering the steps and singing along. We can’t wait to show you our moves at the end of term dance party.

Learning focus week 1-4

We continue to learn our final blends st, sk, sp.
Sight word spelling, a number of children have now progressed onto spelling some known sight words. What an amazing effort! The children need to complete their spelling each night. Please encourage your child to Look at the word, say the word, cover the word, write it and finally check to see if they have spelt the word correctly. Each child will have their spelling tested throughout the week.
We have started to write our very own narrative. The teachers are all looking forward to reading each child’s story. Narrative writing must include, characters, a setting, a problem and a solution. The next time you read your child a book, see if they can identify these elements of the story.

Numbers We have been learning how to write number words and matching them to the corresponding numeral.  We are also revising counting backwards from 20, as well as skip counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.

Shapes - The students have been identifying 3D shapes and 2D shapes. We say 2D shapes are flat 3D shapes are fat. The children have learnt the following 3D shapes sphere, cube, rectangular prism and cone.

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