Wednesday 4 April 2018

Goodbye Term 1... Where Have You Gone?

From Miss Baines

Term 1 has been such a busy start to the year. I want to congratulate all the Pre-Primaries in Room 5 for the way they have adjusted to being at full time school. Congratulations to the parents as well for helping your children to make a smooth transition into Pre-Primary. We have worked hard all term revising our single sounds, revising and learning new sight words, revising numbers 1 to 10, as well as doing lots of interesting activities in Science, Technology, History, Physical Education and Health. We look forward to helping your children continue their learning journeys in Term 2.

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Buddy Class

Our buddy class this year are Mr Sherlock's Year 6's from Room 27. We got to meet with our buddies to colour in flags for Harmony Day. We each coloured in a flag from the country we were born, or where our family was born. It was lots of fun and interesting to see so many different flags hanging in our room. We can not wait to see our buddies again!

Harmony Day

Wednesday the 21st March was Harmony Day. Thank you to all the parents who helped their children dress up in a National costume or something orange, which is the colour of Harmony Day. Harmony Day is all about celebrating the different cultures and people that live in Australia. We got to do a parade and show the flags we made with our buddies.

Merit Award Winners

Congratulations to Naomi, William and Irene for receiving Merit Awards at the Junior Assembly in Week 8. Keep up the great work!

No Trash Tuesday

As Wattle Grove Primary continues to grow in size, so does the amount of waste we produce. At Wattle Grove, we are conscious of the environment and are always trying ways to be more sustainable. For this reason, we are implementing a whole school approach to help reduce plastic waste. This is called No Trash Tuesday. Every Tuesday, students are encouraged to bring a lunch box that only contains reusable plastic. For example, buying a big tub of yoghurt and putting into a reusable container rather than buying yoghurt pouches or small tubs. On a Tuesday morning, students bring their lunchbox in to the classroom to show the teacher. The teacher awards 1 point to every child that does not have any rubbish. The class with the most points at the end of the term wins an award. We would really appreciate your support.

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Science Experiments

This term, we have been learning about Biological Sciences. We have learnt all about the needs of people, plants and animals. We have also been conducting science experiments, making predictions about what we think will happen, using our 5 senses to observe and then communicating our observations. We have done a growing beans experiment, a celery in coloured water experiment and an 'eggscellent Easter eggsperiment'. In our Easter experiment, we placed hard boiled eggs into snap lock bags with different materials inside. We had to predict whether we though each egg would crack or not in the different bags when dropped from a height. We predicted that the eggs in the bags with soft materials, like glitter, cotton wool and feathers would not crack, but the eggs in the bags with hard materials, like Lego, shells and dry pasta would crack. The results were very surprising. What we discovered was the material in the bag didn't affect the egg, but where the egg was placed in the bag did. If the egg was on the bottom of the bag, with the material on top, the egg cracked. If the egg was on top of the material, it did not crack. We had lots of fun testing the egg drops.

Happy Easter

Just a reminder that there is no school on Friday 30th March as it is Good Friday. Monday 2nd April and Tuesday 3rd April are also Public Holidays, so there will be no school. Children return to school on Wednesday 4th April. We hope you have a lovely Easter break. Stay safe and don't over indulge on chocolate :-) Below are photos of some of the Easter activities we did at school.

Parent Interviews

Just a reminder that parent interviews will be held on Tuesday 10th April, Week 11. School finishes at 12pm on this day. Once all the green slips have been returned, I will assign an interview time to all parents and send a letter home to let you know when your appointment is. Interviews are only 10 minutes, so please be punctual. In the parent interviews we will be discussing your child's On-Entry results and their progress for Term 1. If you feel like you need longer than 10 minutes, please make an appointment to see me on another day, preferably Wednesday as I am available all day.

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Holidays and Revision

Thursday 12th April is the last day of school for students for Term 1, as the Friday is a Staff Development Day. We would like to wish everyone safe and happy holidays. While the holidays are a great time to relax and wind down, it is also a great time for you to spend time with your child, revising all the things they have learnt this term. Try and spend 10 minutes a day doing some reading, sight word practice and number and letter writing. That way, when your child returns to school, they still have everything fresh in their mind ready for another busy term. Term 2 begins on Monday 30th April.

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